
Affichage des articles du septembre, 2015


What is better? Manual or automatic? How do they work? Which one to choose? Why? This site is dedicated to unbiased information / pros and cons about these two types of transmissions. Don't forget to add your own thoughts at the end of the page. If you are too lazy or don't have time to read all that's on this site here's the one sentence executive summary: manual transmission (MT)cars use less fuel and give you more control over the car but are less convenient, while automatic transmissions (AT) burn (a little) more gas, provide less control but they are easier to use. Costs Manual transmissions cost less than automatics to begin with. When you go to a car dealear you will notice that the stick-shift version of the same model is about a thousand bucks cheaper. Sometimes a thousand dollars seems like not not so much when it comes to buying a new car but forget about the car itself, think of what you can do with an extra $1000. In the long run, manuals require